Monday, July 19, 2010

Korean jewelry wholesale - earing, necklace, ring, etc

price condition]

1. The total amount should be US$
340 as a retail price.
(Regardless of the quantity of
each item)

2. So, if you purchase US$ 340 as a retail
, you just pay US$238 as
a wholesale price

3 . We deliver the items through EMS (EMS fee depends
on the countries and weight)

[How to calculate the US$ retial price
from the Korean Won(\, 원) retail price]

For example, if the retial price is 16,000원 (Won, Korean Currency)

US$ = Korean Won/900 = 16,000/900 = US$17.78
(2) See the code of
the item you want to purchase
(3) Make the list
of item codes and send it to
(4) We will send the
quotation of your order to your email
We appreciate any questions or any
inquiries. Feel free to contact us. (